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How do I create an IP-based site in Ensim?

The following article details the steps involved in creating an IP-based website on an Ensim server. A site can be IP-based or name-based. IP-based sites have a unique IP address; name-based sites have a unique host name but share an IP address with the control panel server.

Before you start, make sure you have all the required information to create a site.

To create an IP-based website, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Ensim Administrator interface.
  2. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, select Add IP-Based Site.
  3. Enter the requested Site Information:
    1. Site Name - the domain name for the site, without www.
    2. Administrator User Name - the username of the administrator for this site.
    3. Administrator Password - the password for the Administrator.
    4. Confirm Administrator Password - retype the password for the Administrator.
    5. Email Contact - the email address of the Administrator.
    6. Security Level - select a security level for the site.
    7. Select a Service Plan - select a service plan from the drop down, or click Advanced to manually assign the services available for this site.
  4. The Add IP-based Site form expands to display the Service Plan form that allows you to choose the service options you want to enable for the site.
  5. Use the Service Plan Options Information to help you complete the form.
  6. Click Add Site.

The control panel creates the new name-based site and assigns a temporary, default home page for it. To view this temporary home page, go to: http://<your_site_name>.

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