How do I setup a MySQL database through the Control Panel?
Please note: This support article is a guide for our Linux users only.
The following article explains how to setup a MySQL database for a hosting account. This option is only available for accounts that have the MySQL database option included in their hosting package.
To add a MySQL database, please follow these steps:
- Open a browser window and go to
- Click on Control Panel Login.
- Log into the Control Panel as one of the following:
- Account Administrator and select the appropriate domain
- Technical Contact for the domain
- Click on Add a MySQL Database.
- Enter the appropriate information:
- Desired Password: enter a password for your database
- Confirm Password: re-enter the password for your database
- Click the Add MySQL Database button.
- When prompted to continue, click OK.
The server will then setup the MySQL database and display the necessary addresses and login information.