How do I export my MIVA Merchant data?

The following article explains how to export data from a MIVA Merchant store to a flat file. This procedure can be done to create a backup of the store information or to import the information to another program, such as Quickbooks. MIVA Merchant allows data export of Affiliates, Customers, Categories, Orders and Products.

To export your data, please following these steps:

  1. Log into the MIVA Merchant Admin section located at http://store.domainname.com/merchant2/admin.mvc. If this address does not work, you may need to use http://domainname.com/merchant2/admin.mvc. Older MIVA Merchant stores were configured with this address..
  2. Expand the Stores menu.
  3. Expand the Store Name.
  4. Expand the Utilities menu.
  5. Expand Export Data.
  6. Select the type of export you wish to perform.
  7. Enter the requested information for your export.
    Note: Each type of export is basically the same with the same requested information.
  8. Below is an example of Export Orders to Flat File.
    • Batch to Export: select the batch of orders you with to export
    • Export to File: enter the name of the file
    • Delimiter: select Tab or enter your own delimiter to be used to separate pieces of information
    • If File Exists: choose to Append To File or Replace File if it already exists
  9. Click Export.

The files will be exported to your MivaData directory and are accessible through FTP. If you are unable to access the MivaData directory please contact support@hostmysite.com.


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