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SmarterMail Support

How do I forward my email to another address?

The following article explains how to forward your email to another address. The email is first received in your inbox and then a copy is sent to a specified address. The original email remains in your inbox, unless you instruct SmarterMail to delete the message.

To forward email automatically to another address, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window and go to one of the following URLs:
    • (this address is provided in the setup email)
  2. Login using your email address and password.
  3. From Settings menu select My Settings.
  4. Enter the forwarding address and click Save. If you are forwarding to more than one address, use a comma to separate the addresses. For example:,,
  5. Check Delete message on forward if you want to have the messages deleted after they are forwarded (otherwise a copy of the message will remain on the mail server).

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